Focus On What Matters

Goal - is to provide world-class information technology services to businesses worldwide.
vision - is to bridge the gap between business and technology globally.

Why Choose Us

Embracing Innovation

In technology, the only constant is change. Gauritech has made the digestion and application of new and innovative technologies one of its core business priorities. We don’t just talk about innovation. We offer clients practical solutions, incorporating innovative technologies, that can benefit them today and prepare them for tomorrow.

Customer-Centric Approach

Gauritech prides itself on creating an excellent customer experience. As a technology company, our focus is not just high-quality deliverables. It includes the journey to arrive at the deliverable. Our engagement model goes beyond documenting technical and user requirements. It includes capturing our clients’ workstyles and work preferences to provide our customers the peace of mind that comes from knowing their project is in good hands.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Gauritech has adopted a culture of continuous improvement as a pathway to delivering greater value to our clients and our shareholders. We measure every aspect of our operations and regularly meet to analyze our performance to identify opportunities to enhance our services and improve our efficiency. A key part of this strategy is training.

Culture of Integrity and Transparency

A pillar of Gauritech corporate culture, we believe transparency is one of the best assurances of integrity and ethical conduct. We enable our clients to audit every aspect of our service delivery on their behalf. With every aspect of our work open for inspection, clients can rest assured that their work is being handled competently and on schedule with no unwanted surprises.

Social Responsibility

Gauritech strives to be an exemplary corporate Global citizen. Gauritech supports numerous social, health and economic causes for disadvantaged groups, the communities where we operate, and the families of our workers. Gauritech with Butomy is collaborating with Government initiatives to help the needy in the state in the state of Kerala,India


Gauritech supports equal employment opportunity initiatives across the Globe we serve and has implemented policies and approaches throughout our organization to encourage a culture of diversity and inclusion. Gauritech believes diversity is our strength and is a key contributor to make us a more agile organization.

Our Products

Industries We Serve


Retail IT services concentrate on achieving a progressive edge in business operations and creating a truly client-centric experience for digital and physical trade channels.


Our company provides advanced automotive consulting solutions that encompass product development, life-cycle management, agility, automation, and more.


Shape your educational requirements with us, offering all-in-one customized solutions to track and manage student outcomes, and create unlimited documents.


We give a broad range of software solutions to help financial institutions meet their complex, ever-changing compliance and regulatory obligations.

Our Services

Mobile App Development

Our engineers provide accommodated operation development services to meet client's requirements and capitalize on this experience to accelerate your mobile app development.

UX & UI Design Services

Need to build a product with a group that lays out an exact plan process, fulfills time constraints, and conveys a right-on-target final product? Our UI/UX team will assist you with building an engaging product easily and quickly.

Web Applications

Gauritech is an organization you can entrust with the designing of significant, effective, simple-to-utilize corporate and client-confronting web applications. We assist you with planning, building, and advancing web-based software.

Digital Marketing

We aid brands and startups to generate more website traffic, and high-quality leads and increase revenue through customized digital marketing solutions.


Transforming your brand with the use of digital technologies to generate a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing  opportunities.

Gauritech’s Global Presence

Gauritech has the footprint needed to think globally and respond locally. Serving 3 continents and more than 3 countries, no matter when or where a need arises, Gauritech’s staff is ready to respond, keeping your business operating and growing.

Tell us about your idea, and we’ll make it happen.

Looking for a digital solution for your brand? Connect with us and we will deliver your requirements.

Contact us